Monday, December 12, 2005


I looked through the play to find out what hasn't been blocked yet. It's hard to know for sure (it's all been a blur), and heck, just because something was blocked doesn't mean it will stay that way. Actors will forget, or else the set or lights will necessitate changes, or--most likely of all--I will get fussy in the last days, and start messing with stuff.

But, barring all of that, we're in good shape. There are just bits and pieces left, mostly involving either prop placement, or business with Knights, Servants or Soldiers:

1.1: Knights' grand entrance and exit
1.2: Striking throne etc.
1.3: Lots of Knight business, in and out, following Lear's orders. Also possibly some of the Lear/Fool blocking
1.4: Simple business with Curan and Servant 1. Also, striking the table and stools from the last scene
1.6: The fight in this scene has never been completely integrated; we've worked Kent & Oswald, and Kent & Edmund, and Kent & Soldier 2, but I don't think we've run it with all four participants in the same room, which makes me nervous

2.5: This is the hovel scene, and I'm concerned that we may need to relocate our hovel once the set is complete. But that shouldn't take too much adjustment
2.6: Placing stools for 2.7 in blackout

3.4: Lots of Soldiers and this scene, and the Messenger pops in and out

4.2: Somehow, some skins or blankets need to get placed upstage for Lear to lie on. And then Lear has to get on as well (help me, lighting! You're my only hope!)

4.5: Lots of little bits in the final scene: Soldiers marching in and out, Soldiers carrying Regan and Goneril onstage after their deaths, and my secret coda with Kent and the Fool

Not bad. But not much time to devote to this stuff, either; it will have to get forced into the cracks somehow. Perhaps, in January, I can coordinate with Liz, and one of us can work out these pesky bits of blocking while someone else is supervising monologues or something. Every minute counts.


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